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Education and Career Applications
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WebCRM4 provides your business with a comprehensive suite of powerful web-based Education and Career Applications. Like our other suits of applications, these have also been designed to bring about significant efficiency improvements in your business processes alongside substantial cost savings. Each of WebCRM4’s Education and Career Applications has been thoughtfully designed and refined over the years and can be fully customized and scaled to the specific needs of any business.
Lead Management Lead Management
This application helps maximize your sales opportunities. Consistent follow up gives higher conversion rates and this application helps SMEs conduct follow-up marketing efficiently.
Training Institute Management Training Institute Management
This application manages, tracks and reports online and offline training, administration and performance management information.
Overseas Education Consultants Management Overseas Education Consultants Management
This is an innovative and time-saving application that helps in efficiently managing information related to students, counselors, and universities.
Career Management System Career Management
This application helps you monitor the recruiting process, and for managing, assessing, developing and maintaining your employees. It provides an end-to-end process of the total HR function within your business.
Applicant Tracking System Applicant Tracking System
This application helps consulting companies in their recruitment process, and client and candidate relationship management on a single platform.
Consultants Time Management System Time Sheet Management
This application provides online time tracking of employees. It helps reduce the time and cost of back office processing.
Office Library Management Office Library Management
This easy to use application helps organize, manage, browse, and locate books in your library.
Billing Automation Fee Management
Automate billing, invoicing, payments, receivables, and collections processes in your businesses. The billing automation application generates invoices automatically.
Office Library Management Resume Management
Manage thousands of resumes and provide HR departments and recruitment organizations with a strong, scalable and high-performance automation platform, which helps them to obtain a quicker and more efficient candidate hiring process.
  • "WebCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."